Klein umc's
christmas season
Please see below for our Christmas season Schedule full of worship opportunity and fun family activities!
The annual Christmas concert is talked about all over the city! It includes our children, youth, adults and full orchestra! It is always a much anticipated event every season.
Sunday, December 3rd at 6:00pm
Children's musical
Come see the Children's Choir put on a wonderful Christmas musical! They do such a wonderful job each and every year.
Wednesday, December 13th at 6:00pm
christmas eve eve
A kid-friendly Christmas worship service! ​
Saturday, December 23rd at 4:00pm
sermon series
This advent season, we will be looking at how"The Light of Christ Shines" each Sunday in worship.
Week 1: Hope
Week 2: Peace
Week 3: Joy
Week 4: Love
(Please note that Week 4 is Christmas Eve. There will be one morning service at 9:00am to celebrate Advent Week 4 and then the Christmas Eve services will be that evening.
Sunday Services are at 9:00am and 11:00am
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Services
5:00pm and 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
*Nursery provided at 5:00 service only*
The 5:00pm service will be livestreamed.