Strangers Becoming Family
Klein United Methodist Church is responding to God’s call to be intentional about offering His grace and love to all people – even strangers. We have shifted our emphasis from “friends becoming family” to “strangers becoming family.”
By strangers we mean people of different cultures, shades, biblical interpretations and lifestyle choices. Our awareness is that we hold at least four things in common: We are sinners, we are forgiven, we seek Christ, and we are valued by God just as we are. Our purpose is to say "NO" to polarization and "YES" to unity in Christ. We believe that it is pleasing to God that we come together in our differences and discomforts and learn to love each other as God has loved us.
Meet the pastors
program staff
Our top-notch program staff make ministry happen at Klein UMC and around our community. We are incredibly thankful for their gifts.