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Klein Foundation

Our Mission

Provide a Permanent Endowment for Klein UMC to Support Our Ongoing Ministries


What Happens to My Gift?

Your Gift is PERMANENT

95% of the Principal Stays in the Endowment

5% is Distributed Annually to the Church to Support Our Various Ministries


Who Decides How the 5% Distribution is Used?

The Klein UMC Foundation Board Reviews Needs of the Church and Votes on the Grant(s) annually.


What is the 77 Society?

Celebrates the Founding of our Church in 1977

Supports the Long-Term Goal of Growing the Klein UMC Foundation to a $1 Million Endowment


How Do I Become a Member of the 77 Society?

Make a Gift of $1,000 (or more) to the Klein UMC Foundation OR

Name Klein UMC Foundation as a Beneficiary of your Estate/IRA/Life Insurance/Charitable Trust

($1,000 minimum)


If you would like to learn more about how you can support our Church’s future by contributing to the KUMC Foundation, you may contact Dana Croswhite, Foundation President at



How Do I Make My Gift?

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